29 April 2024

DALOSS welcomes Frederik Schade as new postdoc

Frederik Schade is a postdoc on the research project Data Loss: The Politics of Disappearance, Destruction, and Dispossession in Digital Societies (DALOSS) (PI: Nanna Bonde Thylstrup). His work concerns mundane practices of data destruction in the public administration and how these practices change due to increasing digitalization.

Frederik holds a PhD from Copenhagen Business School based on his thesis on digital responsibility as an increasingly prevalent moral norm in Danish governance. His previous work deals with analyses of privacy, transparency and morality in the context of digitalization, work on emergent regulatory efforts aimed at “taming” artificial intelligence, and reflections on the paradoxes embodied by “predictive policing” (and similar such technologies).

He has published his work in acknowledged international outlets such as the journal Business Ethics Quarterly and received the Fonnesbech Award in 2022 for work conducted during his PhD.

Welcome Frederik!
